Buy clock pre-sales in the Floriday Explorer
It is now also possible to search on Clock pre-sale and buy on offer in the Floriday Explorer. This will be visible from 12 noon onwards. There are two ways to search on Clock Presale.
From the search screen at the Explorer, you can click on the tile Clock pre-sales Royal FloraHolland. Clicking this will show you all the Clock pre-sale offers.
If you are already in the supply screen of the Explorer, you can use the filters on the left-hand side to also get Clock pre-sales supply. This takes you within the filters to "Supply", where you can immediately choose whether you only want the clock pre-sale offer, or also the Direct sales offer.
As the main user, you can also set permissions for your colleagues as to whether they may purchase clock pre-sale. You do this in Settings > Colleagues. Click on the 3 dots next to a colleague and on "Permissions".
Buying bundled offers
Buyers can now buy bundled offers made by growers. The bundled offers can be found in a grower's shop (not in the explorer). Also, if the grower has added information to the bundled offer, timeline messages will appear so that the buyer can quickly navigate to the specific mix bundle offer.
Expired delivery locations
Delivery locations that have expired are now validated during ordering in direct buying.