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Simple searching and ordering on current supply

Sofie de Zeeuw avatar
Written by Sofie de Zeeuw
Updated over 11 months ago

With Explorer, you can discover new items, buy in on current supply and manage your assortment. Thanks to handy filters, you can quickly find growers and their offers for daily or forward trading. You can also send requests and make price lists directly from the Explorer. You can also use the Explorer to fill your linked webshop.

On this page, we briefly discuss the following topics and refer to specific help centre pages with more information:


Working easier with

Next you can


Are you looking for articles and want to discover new articles? In the Explorer you can easily search by grower, article name, product group, pot size, plant height or other characteristics. From here you can discover new articles and/or growers. By selecting them, you can make a selection of these articles.

Purchasing directly

Have you received an order list from a customer? With the Explorer you can quickly and easily find and buy the right current range of growers. You select where and when you want items to be delivered and receive the available supply on that basis.

Purchasing clock pre-sales

Do you want to buy clock presales using the Floriday Explorer? With the Explorer you can quickly and easily find and buy the exact current Klokvoorverkoop offer from growers. You choose whether you want to search only for clock presale offers or also the direct offer at the same time. You select where and when you want items to be delivered and receive the available supply based on that selection.

Manage assortment

Do you collect the offer through Floriday in your webshop using a VMP or API link? In the Floriday Explorer you can also manage the product range that comes through. You can change article names, set a preferred photo and preferred loading.

Filter options

The Explorer allows you to search by offerings and items offered on Floriday. As there are quite a lot of supply lines on offer in total, it is advisable to work with the handy filter options offered by the Explorer.

Supply selections

In the Explorer, you can work with offer selections. Here, you can make selections of certain product types or make a selection per buyer. This allows you to easily filter the Explorer and immediately find the items or the offer that is of interest to you.

Creating feedback

Now that the Explorer is live for all buyers, it is extra important that the offer of growers is set correctly, so that you get the right search results when setting certain filters. Should you now see an item of which the picture does not look right, the availability is incorrect, an item feature is missing or a load is not set correctly, it is now possible to make a notification towards the grower.

Price lists

In Floriday, it is possible to make an price list for customers. You can select supply lines from the Explorer, the shop or from an offer. A button has been added at the top of the bar for offers that keeps track of the selected lines.

Placing requests

In Floriday, you can place requests on supply or on the items the grower has in the catalogue. So you basically ask the grower if certain products are available within a period of time and what the prices are for the products. The grower can answer the request via Floriday and in this way an appointment can be made.

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